The movie Wonder is a family drama about a ten year old boy with Treachers Syndrome (a rare facial deformity), who struggles with fitting in with society. This would be a good example of a drama because it conveys societal ills such as prejudice towards appearances and overcoming the conventional norm of life. The movie portrays a boy who is enrolled in 5th grade, after being home-schooled. He encountered other kids staring at him which he overcame by discovering who he is.
The movie Cyberbully is a drama film about a teenager who deals with cyberbullying and tries to take her life. This film is a good example of a drama because it conveys a message about mental illness and how it affects relationships as well as the individuals. The movie portrays a teenager who attempts suicide and her mom takes on the school system and the state legislation to prevent other teenagers to go through what her daughter went through. The young girl becomes mentally stronger from the cyberbullying and her mom inspired the state legislation to pass a bill criminalizing cyberbullying, which is later signed into a law in honor to the victims of cyberbullying.
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