While producing movies, it is always important to plan every single detail, whether or not the audience will notice them is another story. I have been concentrating on the details such as lighting, mise-en-scene and music because those details are an important part in helping set up the theme of the story.

For the first scene, I decided to include a two-point lighting, one of which will be a candle that will appear on the screen. I will use low key lighting will to create a sense of drama and unease, and will include the candle to demonstrate that there is not that much light in the characters' life. I will also include a sad song that will be a diegetic song because it will be the song the character is listening to while writing her goodbye letter. I want the viewers to interpret the character's emotions without the character having to say what she is feeling, which is why lighting, mise-en-scene, and music/sounds are very important in producing a movie.

For the second scene, I want to include the main character carrying books she had to return to the library because it helps establish her character and what she does on her free time. I had thought about filming this scene once the sun was set, but I decided not to because I want to show the viewers that bullying can happen whenever, wherever.

I had a hard time trying to figure out what Albany (the bully) would say to Andrea as she tried to make her feel bad about herself, when I decided to include Andrea with her bag full of books and knew it had to be something relating to books. Bullies can make someone feel worthless, humiliated, saddened, etc. and will not realize how badly they are hurting someone, that is why I decided to include Albany saying "What a pity you're wasting your time studying so much when you're going nowhere in life... HAHAHA," and walking away laughing as Andrea picks up her books from the floor, again humiliated by Albany.

Lastly, I am trying to find the perfect song that could match with the emotions being showed and inferred during the first scene. It is very hard finding the perfect song, but these options cut close. Just from the song, I want to the viewer to feel what Andrea was feeling, and acknowledge what she will do. I also want to include a song as Andrea and Albany walk down the street, but the right song is still being searched for.
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