Thinking ahead for my movie, planning the various shots that will make the movie in advance is an effective way to create the right shots and scenes.
For the first minute of the movie, I decided to establish the setting in which the main character, Andrea, will take her life. The shot will pan through the dark room where a pill bottle will stand in the night stand. The scene will continue to a close up to Andrea's crying eyes to establish her emotions at that moment. A slow zoom to the letter will detail her emotions further, where she will be finishing the sentence "I can't do this anymore." A tilt up from the letter to Andrea's face followed by a pan, following Andrea's eyes, to the pill bottle on her night stand to establish what she will do..

The movie will transition to the past by a black screen captioned "Three Months Earlier." A long shot of Andrea walking from her job to her house, carrying books in her bag followed by a mid-shot of Albany walking down the street. A two shot will establish their relationship, which will include Albany elbowing Andrea, making her bag and books to fall on the ground. Albany will then take this opportunity to make a rude remark at Andrea, making her stumble further.
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