During the quarantine, social media has been a huge benefactor in remaining connected to the world outside of the house. Social medias like Instagram, Twitter and Facebook allow us to get informed about situations worldwide, as well as locally. Many are using their platforms to inform others about regulations, advises, and activities to entertain ourselves with.
A very good thing that came out of the quarantine is NetflixParty. Due to people not being able to be in groups, Netflix came up with a Chrome extension which allows a certain amount of users to watch the movie as a group. I loved this idea because it allows me to watch movies with my friends, and also talk to each other through the texting box.
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are also very big benefactors since they allow the sharing of information almost worldwide. Some of the people affected by this virus have used their Instagram and Facebook accounts to share information about the virus and the symptoms, many others are just using their platforms to advice people to stay inside.
This virus has scared many people, understandably so, but many others believe it is not so bad and are going outside, hanging out in groups, etc. not understanding that they might have the virus, even if they do not feel any symptoms, and might be transferring it to the people they care about. The virus might not be as bad as they say, but even so, it has killed many people and is being spread in an insane velocity, making it at least a little bit dangerous.
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