Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Project Reflection

This movie was really somewhat of a look into my past. The bullying situation in which Andrea is in, was what happened to me. I know it may look like a dumb reason why basically ruin someones perspective of themselves, and I wonder whether or not the person who affected me this much ever realized it. Bullying affected my life for 5 excruciating years of my life, and while I am able to talk freely about my past, others find it extremely hard and specially so if they are currently going through it. Two years ago I had reached the point where I really thought there was no way to get better, which is luckily around the same time my parents realized something was wrong. I ended up being hospitalized, where I realized there really is so much to live for, and people have no right to ruin that nor the way you think about yourself.
When the assignment was first given to us, we watched a TED talk video that said to focus on what you know, and there is nothing I know more about than bullying and mental health. Although I never committed suicide, the thought was always in my mind, which is why I decided to start the film with the suicide scene. Many people know bullying is wrong, but most haven't experienced someone they loved commit suicide due to bullying. By including the suicide as the first scene I'm letting the viewer see first the consequence, then the actions.
The movie as a whole will focus more on the reactions. After Andrea's suicide, her parents will go to extreme lengths to find out what it is that happened to their daughter that her only solution was that. While her parents try to find the truth, Albany realizes the extent of what she did and feels guilty for the months of being so rude to Andrea. The movie will also be going back to the different times Albany bullied Andrea as her parents figure out the cause of her daughter's pain. 
No bully's intentions include their victim committing suicide, at least it could be hoped not, and bullying always has a root, but no past or present trauma is excuse enough to bully someone, to no extent.

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